Amy Byrne Counseling
Serenity is possible regardless of circumstances.

Call or text 847-962-7821

Finding support
Bipolar disorder can be devastating for the individual and families. Effective treatment is possible. There are so many variations on the type of bipolar disorder that a person can have. Many clients present with severe anxiety or depression or anger problems and have not received the correct treatment. Recognizing the various ways this illness can present and it's subtle symptoms is an important part of the correct diagnosis. If you are concerned or question whether this diagnosis is a possibility, contact me for further information.

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance: 
National Alliance on Mental Illness:
National Institute of Mental Health:

Substance abuse is a complex and confusing issue. If you are wondering if you have a problem or need help to address your concerns about use, contact me. Treatment and recovery are possible with the right support.

Am I an alcoholic?
Is my drug use a problem?

To learn more about Bipolar Disorder and substance abuse: http:/

To learn more about anxiety disorders and ADHD: